Head Jabberwock Bjorn Munson will be speaking at this month’s Women in Film & Video (WIFV) Talent Roundtable.
WIFV has a series of monthly roundtables, we’re actually holding the Stonehenge Auditions at two of them in March: Session One on March 5th during the Narrative Directors’ Roundtable and Session Two on March 29th for that month’s talent roundtable.
He’ll go over things to keep in mind when doing a mass audition as well as follow-up steps and submitting to casting notices.
For those of you with memories like an elephant, you may remember this sounds similar to a talk he gave in 2016. It is.
But if you didn’t attend two years ago, we hope it will help you as an actor learn more about navigating the indie world. If you’re an actor who’s gotten the lottery results for Session One or are hoping to get an audition slot for Session Two, this should be particularly useful.
The event is free for WIFV members and $10 for non-members. You can learn more and register at their event link.