The official web home of Team J, a frabjous transmedia company.

Category: Casting (Page 7 of 7)

SAG Actor Update for 48HFP

We’ve just learned some important news that may impact actors and filmmakers attending Stonehenge and/or participating in the DC 48 Hour Film Project this upcoming May. Unlike previous years, the 48 Hour Film Project does not have a SAG waiver this year. So, 48 hour teams, no SAG for you.

Filmmakers, please bear that in mind when registering and noting pay scales.

UPDATE: As of 4/20/07, the 48 Hour folks have come to a new agreement with SAG. So you can use SAG actors again, but there are some changes. Check out the info here.

NEOS Casting Underway

Team J’s Bjorn Munson helped in casting the project “NEOS” this
weekend. Dozens of actors, most first seen at Stonehenge, showed up to
read for WorkinSync Productions’ turbo-charged short film best
described as “CSI meets 24.”

National Film Challenge Completed!

The National Film Challenge (NFC), a similar competion to the 48 Hour
Film Project, happened this weekend. Once again, Team J’s Bjorn Munson
worked with Tohubohu Productions—this
time in the capacity of executive producer. The genre was sci-fi (at
last!, at last!), and the film (soon to be available online) is right
in line with the political season as a campaign appearance by an
up-and-comer takes a turn for the weird—sci-fi style.

Stonehenge Actor Registration to Open 8pm, Sunday, 3/26

Stonehenge III, the mass casting project, will occur on Saturday, April
22 from 10am until 5pm at the Warehouse Theater in Washington, DC.
There will be 120 regular audition slots and 72 waitlist slots. To be
as efficient and fair as possible, audition slots are available on a
first-come, first-served basis. To further make the registration fair,
registration will not open until 8pm, Sunday, March 26. In the
meantime, please let any interested actors know.

Stonehenge III Time and Location Announced!

After some finagling, we have a venue and a firm date for Stonehenge
III, the mass audition for indie film & video. If you’re a filmmaker or casting director…or if you’re an actor looking to impress those folks, please join us on Saturday, April 22 at the Warehouse Theater in DC–right next to the new Convention Center!

P.S. Yes, we were waiting all week to find an excuse to use the word “finagling”

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