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Category: Stonehenge Casting (Page 3 of 5)

Stonehenge Casting is an online service designed to help actors and producers connect.

Unplanned Site Outage affecting Stonehenge Casting

We’ve recently learned our hosting company which we use for Stonehenge is experiencing an outage, meaning users will not be able to reach the site.

The silver lining here is that this is precisely why we have our blog with a separate hosting company.

We will advise you via this blog and our Twitter (@jabbernews) when service is restored.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

UPDATE, 2:00pm ET: Our hosting company has confirmed they are experiencing a large DDoS attack. It has not been resolved yet.

UPDATE, 5:00pm ET: Our hosting company confirmed that they had resolved the problem and servers were coming back online. We’ve confirmed Stonehenge is back (though it might be responding a bit slower than usual).

Stonehenge Casting: Update Your Attachments and Links

If you’ve been following the announcements, you know that:

  1. We’ve just upgraded Stonehenge Casting to version 0.3, and
  2. That means that, if you have an actor/performer profile on the site, you’ll want to make some updates.

We’re going page by page in your profile and feature by feature. You can get the full list in the original announcement.

If you went through the previous article, you saved updates to the Union Status and Availability page and then continued past the Special Information page (where no new updates were made with version 0.3).

If not, you’ll want to click on the profile tab after you’ve logged in:


And then select “Attachments and Links” from the right-hand navigation column


Either method, you should then see the Attachments and Links  page, formerly known just as “Attachments.”

There’s several different enhancements here.

1. Improved Headshot and Resume uploads


Based on feedback from many actors, we’ve improved the upload system so you can see the upload progress. The headshot and resume are also no longer required fields.

You still need to click “Save” for the new headshot or resume to be saved to your profile, so don’t forget to do that.

Two things to note with the new system. First, if you do not have any headshot or resume uploaded, your profile will not show up by default in producer searches. As stated elsewhere, when you’re first setting up a profile on Stonehenge, we understand if you don’t have a properly sized headshot or resume file ready to upload, but don’t delay!

Second, whatever the name of your source file, headshot or resume, the name of the file will be standardized to our system.

2. New personal website link

For those of you that have a personal actor website, you can place the link here. Note, that this is separate from whether you have a demo reel. For the demo reel link, be sure to put the direct link, whether that link takes producers to the specific page on your personal website where the demo video is embedded or elsewhere (e.g. a YouTube or Vimeo page).

3. New IMDb link

For those of you who want to flaunt your many IMDb credits, put your IMDb page link here.

Please note we have no official opinion as to whether listing an IMDb page helps you or hinders you — we simply know that both actors and producers have asked for it.

Once you’re satisfied by your updates, click “Save” and you should be finished updating your profile. Yay!

After you’ve reveled in your updates, however, you may want to check out how your profile appears to prospective employers and learn how to submit to a project  — both new features for version 0.3 of Stonehenge.

Stonehenge Casting: Validate your Union Status (if you’re union)

If you’ve been following the announcements, you know that:

  1. We’ve just upgraded Stonehenge Casting to version 0.3, and
  2. That means that, if you have an actor/performer profile on the site, you’ll want to make some updates.

We’re going page by page in your profile and feature by feature. You can get the full list in the original announcement.

If you went through the previous article, you saved updates to the Appearance page.

If not, you’ll want to click on the profile tab after you’ve logged in:


And then select “Union Status & Availability” from the right-hand navigation column


Either method, you should then see the Union Status & Availability  page, formerly known as “Roles and Availability.”

The “Roles” field has been effectively replaced by the new “Projects and Preferences” page. If you haven’t already updated your information there, please take some time and add your information to that page.

The big change here is added a mechanism to validate union membership for members of SAG-AFTRA and Actor’s Equity. With the upgrade to version 0.3, union membership for all profiles has been removed. Therefore, if you’re a member in good standing of either union, you will need to re-enter your membership for it to show up in searches on Stonehenge.

Navigate to this page, check the relevant boxes and enter your membership number, eight digits for SAG-AFTRA and six digits for Equity. Add a zero (“0”) to the beginning of your number if you’re a long-standing member (from our previous research, some of you are).

This feature was one of the most highly requested from employers, especially the team working on casting for House of Cards. It expedites the Station 12 clearance process for SAG-AFTRA performers greatly.

Once you’re satisfied by your updates, click “Save and Continue” and you should go to Special Information


We haven’t added or modified any fields on this page, so as long as you don’t have anything to add, you can go ahead and go continue to “Attachments and Links.”

Stonehenge Casting: Update Appearance

If you’ve been following the announcements, you know that:

  1. We’ve just upgraded Stonehenge Casting to version 0.3, and
  2. That means that, if you have an actor/performer profile on the site, you’ll want to make some updates.

We’re going page by page in your profile and feature by feature. You can get the full list in the original announcement.

If you went through the previous article, you saved updates to the Contact Information page.

If not, you’ll want to click on the profile tab after you’ve logged in:


And then select “Appearance” from the right-hand navigation column


Either method, you should then see the Appearance page, formerly known as the “Physical Information.”

There’s only one new setting on this page, located at the bottom.


The default to “Other Appearance Information?” is “No.” Select “Yes” if you wish to include additional information about your appearance not covered in the questions above. For example, if you have any scars, tattoos, wigs, extensions, prosthetic limbs, etc. In case you are wondering, yes, actors have asked about being able to have a place to mention each of those items (and more) in some area of the site. Employers have also asked for an ability to more easily search for some, but not all of those items.

When you select “yes,” a text box will appear and you will be able to add all the relevant information detailing the aforementioned scars, tattoos, wigs, extensions, or prosthetic limbs.


Once you’re satisfied by your updates, click “Save and Continue” and you should go to Union Status and Availability.

Stonehenge Casting: Update your Contact Information

If you’ve been following the announcements, you know that:

  1. We’ve just upgraded Stonehenge Casting to version 0.3, and
  2. That means that, if you have an actor/performer profile on the site, you’ll want to make some updates.

We’re going page by page in your profile and feature by feature. You can get the full list in the original announcement.

If you went through the previous article, you saved updates to the Projects and Preferences page.

If not, you’ll want to click on the profile tab after you’ve logged in:


And then select “Contact Information” from the right-hand navigation column


Either method, you should then see the Contact Information page, which has four (4) new settings to check and update. We’ll go through each change in turn.

1. ZIP Code


To help producers find you –and to help you find projects closer to you– Stonehenge now supports searching by ZIP code. You’ll find it’s now a required field.

You can enter your ZIP code and the site will auto-fill your City and State OR fill in your City and State and the site will auto-fill your ZIP code. Note for some larger cities that cover multiple ZIP codes, you may need to adjust your ZIP code (i.e., if you enter “New York, NY as your city and state, you may need to adjust your specific New York City ZIP code).

2. Masking your full address


You’re able to include your street address to help conscientious producers expedite payroll and related paperwork, but there’s no reason to share more contact information than needed. Therefore, all actors have “Mask Full Address” checked by default. While checked, producers will not be able to see your street address or your specific ZIP code. You are still searchable by producers, however (producers being able to fine you being one of the prime reasons you have a profile on Stonehenge, after all).

3. Contact Preference


If you have an agent, you can specify whether you should be contacted first or the agent. We know that some performers are happy to schedule auditions and learn details, leaving agents to handle rates and contracts if an offer is made. Other performers prefer all arrangements to go through their agents first. This allows you that control.

4. Mask Contact Information


If you have an agent and you would like them contacted first, you can further mask your contact information so that potential employers must contact your agent (i.e., that’s the only contact information prospective employers will see on Stonehenge).

Note that you can’t mask your contact information unless you have both the agent information populated and you’ve selected they are to be contacted first.

Once you’re satisfied by your updates, click “Save and Continue” and you should go to Appearance.


Stonehenge Casting: Personalize your new Projects and Preferences page

If you’ve been following the announcements, you know that:

  1. We’ve just upgraded Stonehenge Casting to version 0.3, and
  2. That means that, if you have an actor/performer profile on the site, you’ll want to make some updates.

We’re going page by page in your profile and feature by feature. You can get the full list in the original announcement.

If you went through the previous article, you saved updates to the Basic Information page.

If not, you’ll want to click on the profile tab after you’ve logged in:


And then select “Projects and Preferences” from the right-hand navigation column


Either method, you should then see the Projects and Preferences page, which has three sections.


The first is the “Logline.” Just as any film, from The Godfather to Attack of the Killer Tomatoes can be summarized in one sentence, this is your opportunity to summarize yourself.

(We do not recommend saying “Perfect for Attack of the Killer Tomatoes sequels.” That franchise is unlikely to be re-booted, for one thing.)

You are limited to 200 characters: slightly more than a tweet. While this is an optional field, it may set you apart from other actors in the eyes of potential employers. Be short, positive, and to the point.


The next section is Types of Work. As the section title indicates, select all the checkboxes for all the types of performance work you’re looking for. If you’re unsure, click on the help icon for a more detailed description.

Your preferences will aid potential employers in looking for you and, with future updates to the site, will allow you to sort through projects as well.


Finally, we come to Payscale. Select all the checkboxes for the payscales you would be willing to work for, bearing in mind:

  1. Most of the payscales have wide pay ranges
  2. Naturally, you will decide on submitting for and accepting jobs on a case-by-case basis

While the payscales are general, actors have found it useful during the in-person Stonehenge auditions.

One of the things you’ll notice is that while there are options for “Pro-bono” work and “Deferred Pay,” there is not an option for “credit and copy.” If you want to work strictly for free, there are other sites where you can find those casting notices.

We expect you’ll find the widest pay ranges within the “Low Pay” and “Commercial/Market Rates” categories. When submitting to a project, you should always feel free to ask the producer for details. If you’re not satisfied with their answer, you may not wish to submit yourself for consideration. Any producer posting on Stonehenge knows we stress these points with actors.

We’ve broken up both the SAG-AFTRA and the Equity (AEA) into two broad categories. Essentially, one category includes agreements that have established minimums while others allow for more flexibility (including some SAG-AFTRA agreements we know allow for deferred pay).

A big part of Stonehenge is letting potential employers find the performers they need easier. We’re happy to add this page to help you as well. Once you’ve made your selection, click “Save and Continue” and you should go to your Contact Information.

Stonehenge Casting: Make sure you’re searchable as an actor

If you’ve been following the announcements, you know that:

  1. We’ve just upgraded Stonehenge Casting to version 0.3, and
  2. That means that, if you have an actor/performer profile on the site, you’ll want to make some updates.

We’re going page by page in your profile and feature by feature. You can get the full list in the original announcement.

For this article, we want to touch on a small but important addition, making sure you’re searchable as an actor.

Here’s what you do. First, go to your profile:

Updating your actor profile

Updating your actor profile

From there you should be on your Basic Information page.

Actor Profile: Basic Information page

Actor Profile: Basic Information page

It’s relatively unchanged except for one key question you see circled in yellow below.

Actor Basic Information: New

Actor Basic Information: New “Searchable as Actor” field

For pretty much all of you, it should be defaulted to “Yes” — and if not, you’ll want to change the radio button from “No” to “Yes” and then click the “Save and Continue” button at the bottom of the page.

So why might you not want to be searchable as an actor?

For one, you may have registered on the site as a producer. Remember, any user on the site can wear multiple hats — and we do have some actor/producers — or even some producers who don’t mind making a cameo now and then. But if you don’t act regularly, this is the easiest way to make sure you don’t show up in searches.

Secondly, in future updates to the site, you’ll be able to specify additional skills. Many of you are actors and singers and dancers, for example. But not all performers act. We’ve heard from them and the employers who want to hire them — and that will become easier through Stonehenge in the coming months.

As with many of these changes, we’ll be contacting users whom we think need to make a change in their profiles.

If you want to check back at all the changes, you can refer to the original announcement about version 0.3.

If not, and if you’ve already clicked “Save and Continue,” you should have moved on to the next page, the new Projects & Preferences page.

Stonehenge Casting: Site Upgraded to Version 0.3

As mentioned in a post from last week and a post from this weekend, Stonehenge Casting has been down to upgrade the site to version 0.3. We are happy to announce we are back up and running.

We’ve made a lot of little and not so little changes to the site. You can see this immediately with the expanded FAQ.

If you have an actor/performer profile on the site, there are several updates you will want to make to show up in searches.

We will break this into several different articles for each feature or page in the actor/performer profile. Here’s what you’ll want to do in the next few days:

  1. Make sure you’re searchable as an actor (assuming you are an actor)
  2. Personalize the new Projects and Preferences page to what you’re looking for
  3. Update your Contact Information, especially your ZIP code
  4. Add details as needed to your Appearance page
  5. Validate your Union Status (if you’re union)
  6. Update details for your Attachments and Links (if you don’t have a headshot and resume, you won’t show up in searches!)
  7. See what your Actor Profile page looks like to producers
  8. Learn how to Submit to a Project

If you have other questions not answered on the pages or in the FAQ, please feel free to Contact Us.

As always, we love to hear feedback. Did you see the update you wanted in this version? What do you want us to include next? Let us know!

Stonehenge Casting: Site down for Upgrade to Version 0.3

As previously mentioned here (as well as via Twitter and our Facebook page), Stonehenge Casting is offline starting now, Saturday, July 12th at 11pm until Sunday, July 13th at 11am Eastern in order to upgrade to version o.3.

Please do not try and log onto to the site at this time.

You will be notified on all our usual channels when the upgrade is complete.

UPDATE, Sunday 11:45am: We have encountered difficulties and will post updates as soon as possible.


Stonehenge Casting: Version 0.3 to go Live Sunday, July 13th, at 11am Eastern

We’re happy to announce we’ve completed our testing and the new version of Stonehenge Casting is set to go live on Sunday, July 13th at 11am Eastern. To do that, we’re going to need to take the site down this coming Saturday evening, starting at 11pm.

We ask that all of you log off from the website prior to Saturday at 11pm. If you try and log in between then and Sunday at 11am, you may experience issues

If you have an actor/performer profile on Stonehenge Casting, the changes mean you will need to update your profile.

We’ll be listing all the major changes, but it includes:

  • A new “Projects and Preferences” section
  • New fields in the “Appearance” section (currently named “Physical Information”)
  • New fields in the “Attachments and Links” section (currently named “Attachments”)

We also have some new production companies joining the pilot. From hearing about their projects, we’re confident many of you will look forward to their casting notices.

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