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Tag: Indie Feature

Local Indie Feature Needs Extras in Baltimore this Sunday!

(Posting for a friend, see email below)

Ciscovaras Pictures, makers of the indie comedies Boxing Day and Six Nonsmokers, are wrapping up their third feature this weekend!

You can learn more about the film, Conquering the Rose, at their website (,

They’re finishing the shoot this Sunday with a bang, and they need a bunch of non-union background actors as gallery patrons, dance
recital attendees, and memorial service attendees. (In fact, if people can bring three options of business casual garb, they’d love to use actors in all three).
Here are the stats:
Date: Sunday, July 25th
Time: 9am to 5pm
Type: All ages and ethnicites – definitely includes college-age actors.
Location: The Creative Alliance building (The Patterson) in Baltimore
Contact: Francis Abbey at

Note: As far as we know, this is a non-paying gig

Fellow Filmmaker needs Background Actors

Last year, fellow filmmaker Francis Abbey released a fun indie comedy called “Boxing Day.” He’s following up with his second feature, called “Six Non-Smokers” which starts filming today. You can learn more about it at

This film is bigger than the last one in that they have some crowd scenes next week. The original post on Facebook is here, but here is the text:

6 Nonsmokers, a new comedy shooting this August in the D.C. area is looking for extras. Come out and be part of the D.C. independent film scene!

We’re looking for extras available on any or all of the following days:

Monday August 10
Wednesday August 12
Thursday August 13 (Must be Hispanic or Hispanic-looking)
Friday August 14

E-mail a photo and your availability to! Write “Extra” in the subject line.

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