The official web home of Team J, a frabjous transmedia company.

Tag: Press Coverage

Make sure you’re ready for your Media Closeup

Odds are, many of you reading this news blog are actors, filmmakers, or other creative types. And odds are, that if all goes well, your hard work will be rewarded by some coverage by the press. Quinn McDonald has penned an excellent article that serves as checklist to make sure you’re ready to face the media and the wider world. Come on. You’ve worked hard to get your work noticed. Might as well prepare for success.

Keep storytelling — and make every day a frabjous day!

Article on Stonehenge, Casting, & Bjorn

Ty Ford penned a very nice article about Stonehenge, the impact it’s had on the DMV filmmaking community in the latest edition of the TIVA-DC newsletter. It also has some information about approaches to casting in general and Team J CEO, Bjorn Munson.

So, if you haven’t checked out your copy yet, check your mailbox, because TIVA–as you may recall–is sticking to the old school printed newsletter, replete with articles and ads and all that industry goodness.

What’s that, you say? You’re not a member of TIVA? Well, if you’re not in the DMV, that’s understandable, but if you are a filmmaker in these here parts, e-stroll over to their website and check out some of the programs, etc. they offer.

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