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Tag: Registration (Page 1 of 3)

Stonehenge Auditions 2018: Registration Open & Format Changes

If you’re signed up to the Team J mailing list, you already know this, but the 2018 Stonehenge Auditions dates are set and registration is open for both producers and actors:

  • Session One: Monday, March 5th, 6:30 – 9:30pm (during WIFV’s Narrative Directors’ Roundtable)
  • Session Two: Thursday, March 29th, 6:30 – 9:30pm (during WIFV’s Talent Roundtable)

If you’re an actor, you can check WIFV’s event pages or for the deadlines to register. Audition slots are assigned by lottery as always. For producers, space will be limited, so if you want to see the actors in person and otherwise network with your peers, you should register earlier rather than later.

If you just want to know that registration is open and where to do it, click the links above and rock on.

There are a few major format changes to the auditions this year which we hope will make Stonehenge Auditions a sustainable community resource for years to come. If you want to learn more, please read below.

A Format Change was Inevitable
This may come as a shock to actors, but the day-long event is not equally beloved by producers. Don’t get us wrong. They like to see you all audition… and they love to see the videos after the fact. It’s simply that, again and again, producers tell us they can’t set aside a whole day to watch auditions.

Combine that with the fact that, for the past few years, most of you actors tell us you’ve gotten additional work and auditions from the online videos not the in-person audition itself.

A new Stonehenge Auditions model: Multiple Sessions hosted by Area Organizations
So we have a service that both actors and producers tell us is valuable: we tape and post dozens of audition videos online.

If anything, people want more than the roughly 120 videos we get from the day-long event. Only we can’t support the day-long event. Oh, and we need a space to hold the auditions that is both inexpensive (or free) and available. And could we have more audition dates?

Enter many organizations around the area that regularly hold events in mornings, afternoons, and evenings. They already have mechanisms to register people for events. They already have spaces to hold their events. The Stonehenge event is arguably a benefit for their members and the resulting online videos are a benefit to the community as a whole…

You may see where we’re going here.

Women in Film & Video (WIFV), the organization that has partnered with us for the past few years to put on Stonehenge Auditions, has volunteered to pilot this new format in 2018. Our goal is that next year, 2019, other groups will join in. Ideally, every Spring, there will be four or five sessions of Stonehenge Auditions. There will be more videos, more producers finding actors, more actors finding work, and all the related goodness that comes from those connections.

Nevertheless, this format means changes — some more significant than others.

Non-members have to pay this year
Area organizations like to hold events to benefit their members and, not surprisingly, often charge non-members to attend those same events (or they charge members AND non-members, they just charge non-members more). Since the organization is securing the space and managing the registration for that session, we don’t mind that the event benefits their members.

Most producers, even non-member producers, will probably wind up paying less to attend Stonehenge with this new format, but actors who aren’t members could, for the first time, have to pay to attend Stonehenge Auditions.

For 2018, we’ve confirmed with WIFV that everyone that doesn’t get an audition slot will have their registration cancelled and non-members can have their fees refunded around the time we release the lottery results (a week before the session).

Actors who get guaranteed, standby, or waitlist slots will need to cancel with WIFV if they can’t attend — and non-members will need to do that 48 hours before the event to get their fee refunded.

Does this mean that mean that actors who are not WIFV members would need to pay $10 to attend the event — and thereby have their audition taped and put online?


Does this mean non-members will still want to cancel within 48 hours even though they won’t get their fee refunded  — because otherwise they get on the Mud List?


Actor registration is entirely through WIFV this year
Unlike the past few years, actors do not need to update and submit through their profile. It’s done entirely through WIFV event pages this year (see the top of this post). You’re not entirely off the hook for being tech literate, however. (see below)

There are no physical headshots and resumes this year
This makes logistics exponentially easier, but that does mean adjustments for actors and producers.

Actors will need to upload their headshot and resume to a DropBox link that will be provided when you register. Headshots should be in PDF, JPG, or PNG format — and resumes should be in PDF (preferred), DOCX, or DOC format. Plan on labeling your files YourfirstnameYourlastname_headshot.pdf (or .jpg or .png) YourfirstnameYourlastname_resume.pdf (or .docx or .doc) Your headshot file size should be 1mb or less and your resume should be 500k or less. Combined files could be 1.5mb or less and would be wonderful as a PDF (YourfirstnameYourlastname.pdf).

Producers need to have some means to view the headshots and resumes, whether it’s a tablet or laptop — and they should probably have some offline or analog method of taking notes if technology and WiFi connections act up. We’ll email out a spreadsheet list of everyone who auditioned as well for reference.

Actors must provide a signed release to audition
As should be clear at this point, we’re now doing Stonehenge Auditions to make sure we can provide the community with online audition videos. If an actor doesn’t want to be taped, they shouldn’t register. We will collect actor’s signed release when they check-in.

The usual policy for the online videos remains: the videos can be taken down from our YouTube channel at any time for any reason, usually within 24 hours of the actor’s request.

If you have additional questions, feel free to check out this year’s Stonehenge Auditions page as well as the Actor FAQ and Producer FAQ. We hope to see many of you at the henge.

How do I Register for Stonehenge Auditions 2017?!?

Stonehenge Auditions 2017 aka the sixteenth edition of the in-person mass auditions for film and video will be in Washington, DC on Monday, March 20th (hint: this link goes to the event information page, including an extensive actor FAQ and producer FAQ).

However, if you want to be direct like John Wick, this is the tactical page for you.

First things first: are you an actor or a producer?

If you’re a producer –by which we mean producer, casting director, or anyone looking to hire actors– you register for the in-person event on the WIFV website, just like last year.

Producer Registration is now open on the WIFV website and will remain open until noon on Friday, March 17th (i.e. the Friday before the Monday event).

Once you have registered for the in-person event, we’ll contact you about getting set up on Stonehenge Casting (we also have an article about getting producer access on Stonehenge Casting).

All actors register for Stonehenge Auditions 2017 by going through Stonehenge Casting, not through WIFV.

If you’re an actor, DO go ahead and create or update your free profile on Stonehenge Casting. Remember, your profile needs to be 100% complete to be eligible for the lottery.

Registering for Stonehenge Auditions 2017, by which we mean the lottery to get a slot, is the same process as submitting to any other project on Stonehenge Casting (here’s the link to the article in case you’d missed it).

Specifically, you’ll want to go to the “Projects” tab once you log in. Then click on the project that looks something like this:

Note, there may be other projects at the time you register, but the name will be "Stonehenge XV Actor Registration."

Actor registration opens on Monday, February 13th and closes on Saturday, March 4th. It really doesn’t matter if you register early or not, as long as your profile is complete. Remember, if you register and your profile is incomplete, you won’t be eligible for the lottery. Take your time. Besides the FAQ on Stonehenge Casting, you can also take a look at the Stonehenge Casting How-Tos on this blog, including one about getting your profile baseline to 100% as well as how to get all your measurements.

When you register, please follow the listed directions.

That means in the “ROLE” field you don’t put any information on roles you might wish to play. You put conflicts (if any) you have during the audition times of 10am to 6pm on Monday, March 20th. We’ll do our best to schedule auditions based on those notes.

By reading the directions, you also know you do not put anything in the video audition field.


Even if you’ve already submitted: Make sure your profile is 100% Complete
This is a requirement to be eligible for the Stonehenge Auditions lottery and the one most actors are missing.

There’s a handy bar that displays at the right of each page of the actor/performer profile.

Completion Percentage

The completion percentage is different from the required fields and does not mean you need to fill out every last field in the profile.

As mentioned in the submission instructions, the Stonehenge Casting FAQ about Completion percentage lists all the fields you need to fill out to make your profile 100%. Again, those are:

Basic Information

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Screen/Stage Name (Yes OR No)

Projects and Preferences

  • Logline
  • Types of Work
  • Types of Compensation

Contact Information

  • Email
  • Telephone
  • Telephone Type
  • ZIP code
  • State
  • City


  • Height
  • Weight
  • Hair Color
  • Eye Color
  • Races or Ethnicities
  • Age Range
  • ALL Measurements (put N/A in any that don’t apply to you)

Vocal & Language Skills

  • Not required for completion percentage

Physical & Athletic Skills

  • Not required for completion percentage

Union Status & Availability

  • Willing to work background (Yes OR No)

Special Information

  • Car available for background (Yes OR No)
  • Dog available for background (Yes OR No) Special Skills (Yes OR No)

(Can you tell producers sometimes use our site for background performers?)

Attachments and Links

  • Headshot
  • Resume
  • Demo Reel (Yes OR No)

The two sections actors seem to be missing the most are their logline (which has a how-to article) and their measurements: ALL TWELVE of their measurements.

Wrapping up
Remember, if you’re an actor or a producer, we have a page all about Stonehenge Auditions 2017, including links to an extensive Actor FAQ and Producer FAQ.

Thanks for reading and we hope to see you at the Henge.

How do I Register for Stonehenge XV?!?

Stonehenge XV aka the fifteenth edition of the in-person mass auditions for film and video will be in Washington, DC on Monday, April 4th (hint: this link goes to the event information page, including an extensive actor FAQ and producer FAQ).

However, if you’re laser-focused on registering, this is the page for you.

First things first: are you an actor or a producer?

If you’re a producer –by which we mean producer, casting director, or anyone looking to hire actors– you register for the in-person event on the WIFV website, just like you did for Stonehenge XIV.

Producer Registration is now open on the WIFV website and will remain open until noon on Sunday at April 3rd (i.e. the day before the event).

Once you have registered for the in-person event, we’ll contact you about getting set up on Stonehenge Casting (we also have an article about getting producer access on Stonehenge Casting).

All actors register for Stonehenge XV by going through Stonehenge Casting, not through WIFV.

If you’re an actor, DO go ahead and create or update your free profile on Stonehenge Casting. Remember, your profile needs to be 100% complete to be eligible for the lottery.

Registering for Stonehenge XV, by which we mean the lottery to get a slot, is the same process as submitting to any other project on Stonehenge Casting (here’s the link to the article in case you’d missed it).

Specifically, you’ll want to go to the “Projects” tab once you log in. Then click on the project that looks suspiciously like this:

Note, there may be other projects at the time you register, but the name will be "Stonehenge XV Actor Registration."

Don’t see the link? That means actor registration isn’t open yet. Actor registration opens on Monday, March 7th and closes on Saturday, March 19th. It really doesn’t matter if you register early or not, as long as your profile is complete. Remember, if you register and your profile is incomplete, you won’t be eligible for the lottery. Take your time.

When you register, please follow the listed directions.

That means in the “ROLE” field you don’t put any information on roles you might wish to play. You put conflicts (if any) you have during the audition times of 10am to 6pm on Monday, April 4th. We’ll do our best to schedule auditions based on those notes.

By reading the directions, you also know you do not put anything in the video audition field.


Wrapping up
Remember, if you’re an actor or a producer, we have a page all about Stonehenge XV, including links to an extensive Actor FAQ and Producer FAQ.

Thanks for reading and we hope to see you at the Henge.

Actors: Stonehenge 14 Registration About to Close!

If you’re an actor looking for more film and video work, the fourteenth edition of Stonehenge Auditions will be on Monday, September 28th at the Source Theater in Washington, DC.

120 actors deliver 90-second monologues to dozens of commercial filmmakers, indie filmmakers, casting directors, and talent agents over the course of the day.

We’ve had multiple actors tell us just one appearance at Stonehenge Auditions and the resulting video on our YouTube channel has meant auditions and gigs for years to come.

But if you want a chance to audition, you need to register by this Saturday, September 12. (There are no walk-ins.)

Remember: because it’s a lottery system, you can register now and have an equal shot at auditioning. Because of conscientious actors like yourself who cancel, the 43rd person on the waitlist sometimes auditions.

To register, you need to create and complete your free profile on and submit to “Stonehenge XIV Actor Registration.”

To help actors out, we’ve a created a How-To article for submitting. (Many actors blew past the instructions on the submission page).

For way more information about the event, including exhaustive FAQs for actors and producers, visit

We hope to see you at the Henge!


Stonehenge Registration: Don’t Forget to Follow the Directions

Actor registration opened up for Stonehenge XIV last week and we’ve had a bunch of actors register.

But so far, less than half have followed the submission directions — which means, in most cases, that those actors won’t get to audition!

(We’re hoping all of you actors caught that last bit.)

There’s still time for you to register for the Stonehenge Audition OR to correct your submission. We want all of you to have a chance to be seen.

However, you have to complete your submission by this Saturday, September 12 to be eligible for the lottery.

(Just like all but the first Stonehenge Auditions, actors get assigned timeslots per random lottery).

So we’re going to repeat some of the information on the project submission page, the Stonehenge Casting FAQ and elsewhere here. If you’re an actor, these are the steps you need to take to be sure to be in the lottery for Stonehenge XIV:

Create a profile on Stonehenge Casting
It’s free and it’s required. Several producers will only be viewing your headshot and resume electronically at the Auditions, which leads us to:

Make sure your profile is 100% Complete
This is a requirement to be eligible for the Stonehenge Auditions lottery and the one most actors are missing.

There’s a handy bar that displays at the right of each page of the actor/performer profile.

Completion Percentage

The completion percentage is different from the required fields and does not mean you need to fill out every last field in the profile.

As mentioned in the submission instructions, the Stonehenge Casting FAQ about Completion percentage lists all the fields you need to fill out to make your profile 100%. Again, those are:

Basic Information

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Screen/Stage Name (Yes OR No)

Projects and Preferences

  • Logline
  • Types of Work
  • Types of Compensation

Contact Information

  • Email
  • Telephone
  • Telephone Type
  • ZIP code
  • State
  • City


  • Height
  • Weight
  • Hair Color
  • Eye Color
  • Races or Ethnicities
  • Age Range
  • ALL Measurements (put N/A in any that don’t apply to you)

Vocal & Language Skills

  • Not required for completion percentage

Physical & Athletic Skills

  • Not required for completion percentage

Union Status & Availability

  • Willing to work background (Yes OR No)

Special Information

  • Car available for background (Yes OR No)
  • Dog available for background (Yes OR No) Special Skills (Yes OR No)

(Can you tell producers sometimes use our site for background performers?)

Attachments and Links

  • Headshot
  • Resume
  • Demo Reel (Yes OR No)

The two sections actors seem to be missing the most are their logline (which has a how-to article) and their measurements: ALL TWELVE of their measurements.

Confirm your headshot and resume are showing up
You can do this by looking at your profile page how producers will see it. We also have a how-to article on uploading your headshot and resume in case you run into trouble as well as a how-to article on re-sizing your headshot.

You can always email us if you get stuck and need help troubleshooting, but no, we’re not uploading the files for you.

Submit to the Stonehenge XIV project
Just in case you thought all you needed to do was create your Stonehenge Casting profile and making sure it was complete: NOPE. You need to do more. There’s several thousand actors on Stonehenge Casting, many not in the DC area. While we have had actors travel from afar to audition, we’re not assuming that. That’s why you submit to Stonehenge XIV like you would any other project on Stonehenge Casting. This should be simple, because if you go to the project tab this week, it’s the only one.

Indicate any conflicts or preferences in the “Roles” field
Instead of roles, which is meaningless since you don’t know what the producers are casting, list any conflicts or preferences for your timeslot (auditions run from 10am to 5:45pm with various breaks). If you have no conflicts, put “N/A”

Leave the audition video field blank
Only put something in there if you want to show you can’t follow directions. The producers like to know about those people and we oblige.

Click ‘Submit’ and wait for Lottery Results by Monday, 9/14
You’ll be notified regardless of whether you have a guaranteed slot, standby slot, waitlist, or were not selected. Want to know more about how that works? Check out the exhaustive Stonehenge Auditions Actor FAQ.

Thanks for reading and we hope to see many of you at the Henge!

Stonehenge XIV: Producer Registration Now Open!

Stonehenge XIV (or 14, if you prefer) will be on Monday, September 28th at the Source Theater in Washington, DC.

Dozens of producers will attend: will you be one of them?

Mass auditions are a common event in the theater world: it’s a way to see a lot of actors in a short time and learn if you’d like to call them in for your own auditions. Instead of “speed-dating,” you can think of it as “speed-casting.”

This year, Team J is partnering with Women in Film and Video (WIFV) to bring this in-person event back. They’ll be handling the producer registration, while actors will be able to register via Stonehenge Casting next week. Both producers and actors must pre-register to attend as there are no walk-ins.

If you’ve attended a Stonehenge Audition before, please spread the word even if you won’t be able to join us this year. Much like The Matrix, we find that many film and TV producers are unfamiliar with the mass audition format, but every single attendee we’ve talked to after a Henge has found actors they’ll use.

Producers get two free months’ worth of access to Stonehenge Casting as part of the registration fee, which means they can also view the headshots and resumes –and even take notes– electronically during the event.

For more information, including a completely revised FAQ, pop over to the Stonehenge 14 information page… and when you’re ready, go over to the registration page on the WIFV site.

Stonehenge XIII Actor Registration Open!

It’s alive! It’s alive!

Okay, not really, but Stonehenge actor registration is open for this, the thirteenth edition of everyone’s favorite mass audition for film and video.

Remember, you only have two weeks to register–and you can register at any time since selection is by lottery. However, in our experience, it’s best to register early before you forget.

We hope to see you at the Henge!

Stonehenge XII Actor Registration Opens

In case you’re not signed up to our twitter feed (, you may not realize that actor registration for Stonehenge XII (12 for you non-Romans out there) is open!

We will once again be at the Creative Alliance at the Patterson. However, henge veterans should note that we will be going on for an extra hour until 6pm this time. We’ve noticed a strange thing happen in Baltimore: actors seem to peter out in some of the last timeslots, so if you are one of the actors with a standby slot near the end of the day, definitely plan to attend. You’ll probably get to audition! (This guess is null and void if all of you actually read and do this (-: ).

Also, for you regular blog readers (are there any?), we’ll be premiering a series of insider tips for both actors and filmmakers next week leading up to Stonehenge.

In the meantime, if you’re an actor, remember you must register online by Saturday, September 11th and 6pm to be eligible for the lottery. There are no walk-ins.

Tell all your actor friends that we hope to see them at the henge!

Stonehenge XII Filmmaker Registration Opens

Registration for Stonehenge XII, our Fall henge, is now open for filmmakers. Remember, the price doubles on Friday, September 10th, so register early (it’s also now theoretically possible that we will sell out).

This henge will be on Sunday, September 26 and once again we’ll be at the Creative Alliance’s wonderful venue The Patterson in Baltimore.

If you have a project you’re casting in the next six months or if you’d simply build your roster of actors to call in for projects, please join us.

Actor registration will open Saturday, August 28th.

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